A Shawl Of A New Shape

A Shawl Of A New Shape

Since going home to NYC for Vogue Knitting Live in January and then again in April to visit friends and celebrate my birthday, well, I have had my inspiration by architecture reignited. It got me thinking about my crochet design work and it inspired me to present a collection of Shawls Of A New Shape for 2018.

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Say Hello to CoCo Crochet Lee

When I started this blog I had a vision of how it would look and what it would be. In the two years since launching, it has evolved into so much more than I ever could have imagined, truly becoming a resource for inspiration, patterns, information and most of all: a growing community. My heart is so full every time I get a note or message or email from you guys who are helped and encouraged by this blog. One part of the Stitch & Hustle evolution is that I've had the privilege of connecting with so many beautiful human beings. And now, am incredibly honored that one of those people will be sharing her voice with us.


Say hello to Lee Sartori, known as CoCo Crochet Lee!

Lee is one of my favorite humans. She is kind, creative and has that perfect blend of sass and sweet. When she is not mystifying us all with her Instagram game (her photo skills are ridiculous), she is leading the WIP Wednesday on the Happily Hooked Facebook Page.  And now... she will be sharing inspiration and her voice to our community taking over the Stitch & Hustle Instagram page one week a month! I am so excited about this because she is truly one of the most creative and lovely people and I cannot wait to see what she shares with us all. So follow along on instagram and get to know Lee with these 10 Random Facts below:

Hey there! Here are 10 random facts about me:

1. I'm the Assistant Editor of Happily Hooked Magazine - which makes me a tech editor, blogger, writer, designer, and social media guru.

2. I love to crochet, but I also really love knitting!

3. I once crocheted a detailed 3 foot tall pink Eiffel Tower and gave it away.

4. I went to University for Visual Arts and Communications.

5. My dream is to travel the world, I was able to visit Japan a few years ago.

6. I'll be appearing on Annie's PBS Show called Knit and Crochet Now this fall for 5 tv episodes as a crochet expert. I designed all 5 designs for my appearances.

7. My work name 'CoCo Crochet Lee' is because I called my son Conan 'CoCo' when he was a baby.

8. I'm an avid reader, though I wish I had a bit more time to dedicate to my favorite books.

9. I have 3 designs publishing in Salena Baca's new book releasing next year.

10. My designer bffs are @divinedebris, @rohnstrong, @evelynandpeter, @bysincerelypam, @jms.handmade, @144stitches and so many others. My friends keep me motivated 💜.



Oh Hey Jen Geigley!

I dare you to try something new. I don’t believe in mistakes. Trust your creativity and let your knits become what they want to be!
— Jen Geigley

It is easy to see why I just love Jen Geigley all wrapped up in this quote. It is so much what I am about - JUST CREATE!

The power and freedom in that quote as a knitter is just limitless. As a human in fact. Imagine taking on that great sweater pattern or idea you have been dreaming about and giving yourself permission to just go for it. Freedom from worrying about mistakes. Freedom to just trust the creative process and CREATE. Jen recently took that creativity to a whole new level and published not one, but two books of knitting patterns.

Visions takes her love for contemporary chunky knits to a new level infusing art and risks with each design. Not just in the finished product but the methodology to get there, Jen will lead you on a journey opening your creative doors. She shows you how to get there with a map but encourages you to chart your own course.

Visions Kids is an entire book of beginner friendly kids patterns that continues the inspiration and combination of knitting and art.

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She did a book signing at my LYS Nina Chicago and I got to sit down with Jen and talk about all the things that matter in creating and designing knitwear:

  • developing your look
  • staying true to yourself
  • taking risks and being bold when you do
  • get out on the creative ledge and JUMP

Stitch & Hustle Channel Episode 2: 

My very first interview and I am so excited! I am sitting down with Jen Geigley to talk knits, inspiration, taking risks and making art.

Be Inspired By PurlBKnit

One of my favorite artisans I follow on Instagram is Brandi Harper of Purl B Knit. Maybe it is because she reminds me of my NYC roots that comes through in her work; maybe it is her awesome attitude or creative genes. Maybe it is her whimsical cheer that comes through each post. Whatever it is, I do not mind admitting I am a HUGE fan.

Well she shared this the other day and I was like YES!!!!!! So I thought I would share it with the community (with permission of course).

Thank you Brandi. Yes.. stay true. Stay on your hustle. Water your flowers. Let the dead leaves fall off. be on YOUR journey!!!!!!