Takeover Maker: Macy of ImCrazyForCraftin

As mentioned in my post to launch this series we are reminded: the biggest gift of community are its members. We have some amazing ones. And this week's takeover maker kind of blows me away. Like a LOT.

I discovered Macy on Instagram about a year ago shortly after I joined. She always had such cozy creations and positive vibes in her posts. She had to take a break for a while to focus on some life things and I messaged her just to say I missed seeing her on my feed. We soon struck up a conversation and I discovered a few more things about Macy that only made me go WOW even more and I just adore her.

For example, we both have strong ties to our grandmas and that is a very awesome connection. More than just spoils and gifts, we both thrive on relationships with them. I also discovered... wait for it ... she is 16.


So poised. So talented. So kind. Just blew me away. And here she is starting her business, creating cozy delights, being part of a community and inspiring others. And that is just WOW. It is also one more thing I love about this creative community. It is open to all who want to create and share their talents and passion. At any age!

Macy is wise beyond her years I tell you. So follow along on IG as Macy takes over this week and shares her maker inspiration and creations and things she loves. Get to know Macy more here when I asked her the Stitch & Hustle Maker Five: Questions

1. Tell us your name and a little about your craft and business.
2. What inspired you to start your handmade adventure?

I'm Macy. The owner, designer, photographer, and dreamer behind I'm Crazy for Craftin.' I'm 16 years old, and I've loved crafting for as long as I can remember. I started my business when I was 10, and opened my Etsy shop when I was 13.



3. What is your one favorite thing about what you do?

This whole experience has been such a wonderful time of learning and growing. One of my favorite things about what I do is getting to meet new people. I've met lifelong friends at craft shows, and met so many wonderful people through social media.

4. What is one goal you have for this year? How are you doing with that goal? How can we, me, the community help you with that goal?

Macy and her cozy creations set up for market

Macy and her cozy creations set up for market

I've set lots of goals for my business this year, but the most important one to me is making my business "my own". Not that it isn't right now, but I want to come up with my own ideas, and not copy anyone else; just get inspiration from them.



5. Since this is about community, what other makers inspire you (can be any maker field, does not have to be fiber arts of course)?

A few makers I'm inspired by are Nicole from Miskunn, Hailey from Ozetta, and Rosalynne from Rosalynne Love (just to name a few!). It's so wonderful to connect with other talented makers in person, and through Instagram.

Last but not least… Link us up baby! How can people connect with you:

Etsy: www.imcrazyforcraftin.etsy.com
Facebook: I'm Crazy for Craftin'
Instagram: @imcrazyforcraftin

Takeover Maker: Chantal of Knitatude

As mentioned in my previous post to launch this series we are reminded: the biggest gift of community are its members. We have some amazing ones.

2017-03-31 11.52.20.png

The first amazing maker for our April Maker Takeover is Chantal of Knitatude. Ok... let me be clear.... I have a total maker crush on this gal. She IS the real deal. She inspires me SO MUCH in so many ways. Why you ask? Well not only is she a badass knitter (really she is amazing) but she gets it. She just gets what it is about to be an empowered woman creative who supports other empowered women creatives. Chantal hosts a regular yarn & small business meet up in her local community and has just launched a second IG account to help others as well. She, like me, believes that by helping others succeed we too will succeed.

On top of all that, the goofball in me totally adores the goofball in her.  So follow along on IG as Chantal takes over and shares her maker inspiration and creations. And get to know Chantal more I asked her the MAKER Five questions here:

1. Tell us your name and a little about your craft and business.

Hi my name is Chantal and I'm the sole knitta behind Knitatude - aka Knitting with Attitude. I knit chunky scarves, headbands, toques, blankets, write patterns, try to take over the world and make crochet and knit essential tool kits with inappropriate sayings on them. I'm a huge believer in staying true to oneself. I have practically no filter, so on my feed you will see some sassy comments and me making an ass out of myself. I am such a huge advocate for makers in our community and because of it I've started to delve into the world of supplying maker advice. You can usually find me doing IG lives on topics of social media tips and how to stick up for your own company in multiple ways.

2. What inspired you to start your handmade adventure?

I feel so bad saying this - but Knitatude started off selfishly. I wanted an infinity scarf for Christmas and when I didn't get one I took matters into my own hands. When people started to like my items it was so humbling and I loved making others feel good. That feeling has only grown since then. Not to mention I fell madly in love with the aspect of making things with my own hands I thought "Now this is some cool shit!".

3. What is your one favorite thing about what you do?

I love making people laugh. My tool kits are exactly this. Funny, inappropriate sayings that when actually read get those wide eyes, shocked open mouths and chuckles. It's what I live for every market because I love seeing people who have as dirty of a mind as I do when it comes to knitting and crocheting. Also I love that I host a knit night every week. This community is so rich and vibrant and caring and I adore getting to see all my fibre loving peeps each week!

4. What is one goal you have for this year? How are you doing with that goal? How can we, me, the community help you with that goal?

Oh boy. I have so many! My MAIN goal is to get people knitting in general and breaking the stigma and stereotypes around it. I'm so tired of being called a Grandma because I knit and I'm not ancient. I also want people to stop saying "Not you're grandmas knitting" cause it isn't helping. The second is; I want our community to start charging what we are worth. There is literally nothing that peeves me off more than someone undervaluing their work and undercutting themselves and everyone around them. To break the stigma around "knitting is cheap" we have to make knitting not cheap! Which I think simple communication and yelling it from the rooftops will help.

5. Since this is about community, what other makers inspire you (can be any maker field, does not have to be fiber arts of course)?

Nicole from @saltwaterteajewelry / @woolfield.studio is not only my best friend but she legit is my rock. I bounce ideas off of her, ask her a billion questions a day, drown her in my rants and everything you can imagine. This girl is the shit. She takes me for who I am, doesn't take any of my shit and won't hesitate to question me on anything that she thinks won't be in my best interest business wise and in my personal life. She is a crazy talented boss babe as owns her own shop (Greater Goods YYC), her jewelry biz, volunteers her time to an all female small biz networking group called YYC Girl Gang as my vice-prez and is now opening her own consulting company for makers. She is a diamond in the rough.

The whole team from We Are Knitters - I don't know how they do it but they inspire me to keep trying new things, getting out of my comfort zone and give me all the heart eyes when it comes to knitting.

Kelly from Knit Brooks - I seriously can't even begin to tell you how much I look up to Kelly. She may be soft spoken in her videos but the amount of love and care that comes out of this human is jawdropping. She's always there to lend a hand or give advice and is just a instagram convo away. She's super down to earth and makes just the most beautiful stuff. Beautiful person inside and out!

Last but not least… Link us up baby! How can people connect with you:

Website: knitatude.ca
Etsy Shop: www.knitatude.etsy.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/knitatude
Instagram: @knitatude
Twitter: @knitatude

C O M M U N I T Y for the win

Warning... This topic may make you need a cup of tea but I feel it is essential. Especially since I have seen several posts on social media lately of drama and hurt feelings among makers in the maker community on Instagram. I have been on the receiving end of this not too long ago and I can understand how it can weigh us down. Because while this may be our business, being handmade and from the heart it is also all so very personal. So I am honored Nicole of Naturally Nora Crochet reached out to me to do a blog-hop on this topic of community and share perspectives. Feel free to share YOUR perspective in the comments or join the conversation in your own small group.

I joined Instagram as a social media tool to share pics and life moments with friends and family. About a year later it became clear I could also use it for my small business so I started an account for my small handmade business. Now, when I did this, I thought it would be all about previewing new items to customers and getting customer feedback. I had no idea what a wonderful community of makers and creatives I would connect with beyond that.

Shortly thereafter, I was launching Stitch & Hustle to serve that very community so to me it was all a bit serendipitous.

Through this community I have met some of the most wonderful people. I have teamed up with so many incredible makers at various stages, not just to "promote" each other but to truly have an exchange of creative ideas and inspire and share our creative ways. I have had the incredible honor to be partnered up with Ali of Ford Explorer Knits to host Stitch Up Chicago and so many other great collaborations. To me, that is what "community" is about and should be about. But let us go deeper.


I only started hearing the term "community over competition" after joining Instagram and actually since about mid last summer. The term baffles me and has for many months. And so after much thought, I've decided I don't agree with the term and it's a false misleading term.

I realize I may not have a very popular opinion but this weighs heavily on me as I see so many makers trying to find their voice and stride and I have some experiences recently with some who only amplify this conflict.

I've decided I believe in community AND competition. Yup. BOTH! And you do not have to, nor do I have to, nor should anyone have to sacrifice one for the other. Take a breathe. Take a beat. Have that cup of tea and marinate on that a minute.

I've decided I can root for your success while still striving for my own AND that rooting for your success and supporting your creative journey doesn't have to be at the expense of my own. It doesn't have to be one over the other. They are not mutually exclusive nor are they competing principals. To me, it is possible and in fact essential to be both supportive of others and lift them up AND strive for the best success possible for myself.

Three Makers. Angels Of Crafting celebrating our success & each other

Three Makers. Angels Of Crafting celebrating our success & each other

Additionally - my support of fellow creatives is not linked to a level of success. That's right. You do not have to have 20k followers or 10 followers for me to support your journey and root for your success. As I said when I launched this blog - it is a whole other level of hustle. It is not about what you can do for me. It is about what I can do for you with NO EXPECTATION in return.  It is about being IN community with one and other and in service TO one and other.

Don't be fooled though. Being IN community does not mean I will not work hard every day for my own success. And yes; Success IS linked to one's level of work. I believe we should constantly be works in progress striving daily to be better and do better than we did the day before. I am not an "everyone gets a trophy" kind of gal. I think we should work hard. And as we work we will find some work harder some work less. And that is OK. Success is relative to the work we do. Period.

I hope I'm explaining it well because to me the bottom line is this: I want you who is reading this to succeed and thrive but I want to be there succeeding and thriving along side with you and will bust my ass to do so and not feel bad about it a single day. Your success will INSPIRE me. And I can only hope mine will inspire you.

And speaking of inspiration... this takes us to the world of copying. I want to tell you something: there are only so many stitches and it is all math. There, I said it. But that doesn't mean we can't be creative. It is WHY we need to be creative. Play with color. Work with texture. Change an edging. Make it your own. Add YOUR voice.

Nicole of Naturally Nora crochet inspiring me and blowing my mind with this scarf

What I love about Nicole of Naturally Nora crochet is her brand and personality comes through every single design and every single post. I would like to think mine does in my own work as well. So if we BOTH post a double crochet shawl the same week, I will not feel one has copied the other. I will be CELEBRATING that a single stitch can speak so loudly and clearly for EACH of us. That our own voice is there. That is kinda cool.


So know this: who you are at your core, the creative within... that can NEVER be copied. Not by anyone. That is the voice you stay true to in every stitch.

We realize this is a deep topic. But it is so necessary to remember the most important part of any community are its members. I am so honored to be able to share these thoughts because I want you to know I AM rooting for you. And I am rooting for me too. Not one OVER the other. I am doing BOTH. Simultaneously.

Prior to the plan of this post with Nicole, I wanted to expand this blog to make it more diverse and give different points of view. This seems like a fitting moment to BE ABOUT community and as luck would have it was already planning to do just that. So as they say - timing is everything and sometimes the timing is perfect.

It is because of my love for this creative community and hope that I can add value that is the WHY of this blog. Even though run Stitch & Hustle and it is my baby - it is FOR the community. It is not about “me”. Being just me behind the curtain so to speak, I often wonder if it is only “my perspective” so I wanted to give others in the community an opportunity to show their work, show work they admire and makers they enjoy and are inspired by. I want to spread some good vibes and give OTHER perspectives.

I carefully selected four makers to Take Over in April. Each will take over the Stitch & Hustle Instagram for a week to share their work, their inspiration and their perspectives. I am stoked -  we have four AMAZING artisan makers coming on board for this who I just simply LOVE. I selected them specifically for a few reasons:

Each has a very specific point of view and it is not "like" each other so I believe there will be authentic variety in points of view which is an incredible gift of being part of this community.

Each maker is someone I respect and admire greatly and who inspires me in more than just my maker ways, but in who they are as people.

I believe each of these amazing artisans (like each of YOU) can add value in ways I can’t even imagine and hope that you will also receive good vibes from this program & community takeover.

I hope that each will inspire you and you will celebrate them and celebrate yourself. What an amazing thing that they want to share with us all. I've decided April is community month around here. Let's celebrate each other. And if more than one of us makes a garter stitch scarf well hot dang let's celebrate that too!

Please head over to my friend Nicole's blog to read her thoughts on this really important topic.

Get Your Cravings Satisfied!

I love discovering new yarn and new artists. So when it's a double header in the form of an indie yarn dyer - well happy dances happen!

Last year, while visiting Stitches Midwest,  I met Patti who owns Yarn Culture New York. Now let me tell you; Patti has some amazing fiber offerings and if she is ever at an event in your area I cannot convey enough to check her out. Follow her on IG for event appearances. I wanted to put her whole booth in my bag to go home (and may have even tried).

But another bonus was that Patti turned me on to Amor and her Crave Yarn. Um hello most excellent yummy fibers that I must become one with. Legit awesomeness. Not just the yarns, which are high quality, but her colors are magnificent. I was in love. IN LOVE!

As I got to know Amor and her work I fell more and more in love with her colorways. True, I was a bit sad she doesn't offer my fave chunky fibers but we handled that.

We decided to do a special limited edition collaboration with a chunky base. Keeping the amazing blue steel colors I fell in love with at first and using an incredible 100% alpaca chunky base, Amor created a fiber that I can only describe as divine. It was a dream to work up.

I immediately knew I wanted to create a design that was as flowing and dreamy as this yarn. The way the swatch draped and hung, it was clear a wrap would be perfect. Not your average chunky yarn. This chunky alpaca hangs like DK weight silk. CAN YOU STAND IT? It blew me away.

I am a Pisces and ocean lover and knew it would be all about the wave to go with the flow of this fiber. I started thinking of waves crashing upon the shore. And The Every Wave Wrap was born. It came together perfectly and I am madly in love with it. It is a scarf, a wrap, a shawl. It is what you need it to be and ideal for transitional weather.

Amor and I decided we had to share this fiber with the rest of the world. So we decided to turn these into Kits! We are offering these kits in LIMITED EDITION! So when they are gone, they are gone. You will get all the yummy yarn you need to make the Every Wave Wrap (4 skeins of hand dyed 100% alpaca), the hook, pattern, button, notions and a fun project bag. Um YEAH!  You can purchase your Limited Edition Every Wave Kit here.

And as an incredibly special celebration of this Limited Edition Kit, we are giving one away. WHAT? YES - GIVING ONE AWAY!

We even teamed up with Natasha from the Amazing Hook Ewe shop to include a custom made ergonomic crochet hook.  I have been such a fan of Natasha's work for so long as it scrolls across my Instagram feed that I was thrilled she wanted to join this giveaway. Her handmade ergonomic hooks are not only functional but true works of art. She has made one to match the colors of the Every Wave Wrap.

Do NOT miss out. Enter below!

And get out there and discover some new yarns :-)





Disclosure: Crave Yarn sent me the yarn for this giveaway & collaboration free of charge. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review content are completely my own.

Sharing Cozy & Changing Lives

I read an article in the Huffington Post last December about a group of knitters and crocheters yarn bombing with purpose. Not just for art, but #ChaseTheChill group leaves hats and scarves and much needed items for the homeless in cold areas. This article spoke to me.

I have already partnered my business with Halos of Hope and believe the purpose it gave my small handmade business means so much. But this struck a personal note. I have actually been homeless in my life. More than once. I know that the gift of warmth on cold nights has more value than most realize. I also know the value in knowing people out there care. I felt moved.

But I am just a gal with yarn who lives in a small rural town. Wasn't gonna let that stop me. I reached out to my social media network on Facebook to see if anyone wanted to help and the response was overwhelming. So many people wanted to help share the love and share the cozy - we named the program Share The Cozy and that is just what we did.

I am so honored to know so many people who wanted to be part of this campaign and share love and warmth. And some who were not in an area with need, decided to donate so we set up a way to buy hats and scarves for the Homeless Campaign here. So many people coming to be part of this restored my belief that this is what it is about: community, humanity, we need to care about each other in the ways that we can.

Here are just a few of the stories from those who helped me make this happen.

My friend Alissa, who helped me launch the campaign spent days not just hanging scarves but meeting and handing them to the homeless in Denver and New Mexico.

My friend Jordan helped share the cozy in snowy Idaho.

My awesome gal Amanda handed out items in Boston area. She says:

I became involved in Michele's "Share The Cozy" campaign after seeing the campaign take place in other cities around the US on Facebook and social media. I knew I immediately wanted to become involved. Michele graciously sent me a package of her beautiful handmade hats, scarves, and neck warmers to hand out to the homeless in my area. Living in Boston, our winters can be brutal, and I knew immediately her creations would be put to excellent use by those who need them.

The same day I received her package, I tagged the items, and took the train to downtown Boston. Ironically, it started to snow that same day, and by the time I got to Boston (that evening), it was bitter cold with snow barreling down. I found about ten homeless people in the span of an hour or so and handed out the soft creations. They were so thankful and couldn't believe it! Some of the homeless were sleeping outside, so I put a homemade hat next to where they were sleeping. Hopefully they woke up to a nice surprise!

Thanks for involving me in this awesome initiative, Michele! I felt proud to be part of this campaign and know how much these people really appreciated your handmade, cozy, winter gear! We need more people like you in this world. XOXO you rock! ~Amanda

And my friend Kathy in Chicago was among the first to respond:

Chicago Mission

When Michele posted about the Cozy Campaign I was so thrilled to be a part of it! I knew that I would be taking some of the hats and scarves to a local abused women's shelter, but I wanted to also take some to The Pacific Garden Mission.

My husband has been telling me about this mission for years because it is close to his work. My husband was happy to be able to share some warmth with the people who need it most. We both were so very happy to see that a gentleman was already starting to take a hat before he was even finished putting them around.

It made us very happy to be able to help so many that day. Michele is a angel for working so hard to make this project so special ❤


THANK YOU AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!  We plan to do it again every winter, as long as we can. You can get involved here. or make a donation specifically to this program here. See where you can have an impact in your own community. It could change a life.

See all the handmade cozy and love that was distributed here.

Be Fearless With WATG

Oh the happiness of a new project. Yes, I may have done an actual little dance when Wool And The Gang wanted to send me a Fearless Cardigan Knit kit. I had seen it on my Instagram Feed when Krysten Ritter posted hers and fell in love with the color she chose too. SO the chance to create my own was super exciting. And I especially love new projects where I get to learn something like new stitches or techniques. When it arrived, and it was the color I loved on Krysten, well I was elated. I dove right in!


At first I had to pause a minute. I mean it had some pretty BIG knitting needles and I admit, I was maybe a little fearful. It took a few tries but I got the hang of them big needles! 

As I moved along the pattern it was a bit challenging doing the stitch additions on the needles. I ended up having to restart a couple of times. But an Instagram friend suggested I get these circular needles and as soon as I did I was off and running. Thanks IG friend you know who you are! Oh and yes, I kind of love these big needles now.

Assembly was a breeze. The pattern called for a specific type of assembly and while I followed the pattern this time, I figured out a way to make it a SINGLE fabric so there will be no back seam on the next one. WINNING!

Like I said - the very best thing is a project where I get to learn something new. This project I learned cable cast on technique which I assure you will be used often and horizontal invisible seam technique, AND and how to handle these awesome BIG needles which I guarantee you I will be using for many projects (including more Fearless Cardigans).

Click here to get your own Fearless Cardi Kit and use code WATG144 for an extra 15% off through March 31. GET YOUR KNIT ON and add this perfect transitional item to your closet.



Disclosure: Wool And The Gang sent me this kit free of charge for the purpose of this review. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are my own.

Shibui Knits Reed Octave Scarf - Right on Time For Spring

I am kind of excited about this giveaway and let me tell you why. Because one of you guys is going to win a pretty AWESOME prize: A full Kit to make the Octave Scarf featuring Shibui Knits Reed fiber. Um... YES. I said it. You are going to win big here.

I first discovered Shibui Knits about a year ago when I was getting more into garment design and upping my knitting game. At first I admit I was intimidated. Shibui Knits screams of high end fiber and elegance (yet somehow has an urban edge to it as well). Over the last few months as my knitting skills improved and as I was seeing more and more of Shibui on my instagram feed I was getting more curious than I was intimidated and I had to try it. So when I had the opportunity to collaborate with Shibui Knits for this giveaway I JUMPED at the chance.

Being that I typically work with bulky fiber,  the Shibui Reed Linen was a completely new experience. It is a fingering weight yarn, which was a bit of a shock to my system when I first cast on. The first few swatches were surely not photo worthy.


But I have to say that as my hands adjusted to the finer fiber, it was such a joy and ideas began to flow. After several swatches (isn't swatching new yarn just one of the most fun things to do by the way?) I settled on a lovely knit stitch with a slightly larger needle than the fiber calls for. I was able to get a beautiful "open" stitch and it gave me an idea for a summer tank beach cover up. Linen, on the beach in Miami? YES PLEASE!

And now you too can get your hands on some of this Reed Linen delight courtesy of the amazing team at Shibui Knits. You will get the full 6 skeins needed and pattern to make an Octave Scarf - which is ideal for transitional weather so right on time. Enter below.



Disclosure: Shibui Knits sent me the yarn for this review & giveaway collaborations free of charge. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review content are completely my own.

The Aalto Basket & Me

Ah Betta Knit. If you follow me on social media you know I'm such a fan of their product and company. I mean I just love their squishy yarn and friendly service! So when they wanted to send me a kit to review & host a giveaway as part of March Maker Madness I was beyond stoked.

Now when the Aalto Basket Kit arrived I was a little taken aback. I mean it is designed by crochet design ICON Molla Mills AND is calling for tapestry crochet! TAPESTRY CROCHET??? A little intimidating but also, "I don't KNOW tapestry crochet" I thought loudly. A quick google and video and I was good to go - and realized I did in fact know Tapestry Crochet just not what it was called. Ok now I'm definitely in!

The Kit comes with their Fettuccine yarn, which was also new to me. At first was thinking, this is quite wide and strange and, well, yes reminds me of Fettuccine - now I'm hungry. Anyway... I had to fight the natural urge to want to keep flattening the yarn but once I got over that my swatch worked up quickly and I really liked the texture. I also like that it is 100% cotton. It works up super easy. Like I said, it takes a minute or two to get used to for sure but by the time the base of the basket was done I was well on my way.

The pattern instructions are easy to follow and they come with an awesome chart to know exactly which color should be worked where. Even a Tapestry Crochet newbie like me had no problem sorting out the pattern to follow along.  My basket was done in no time once I got the rhythm of tapestry and comfortable carrying the extra yarn across.

Truly - this kit is a great afternoon project!

I absolutely LOVE how the finished basket came out. I added an extra finishing row to the top just to suit my own style and added my branding tag as well. Now I'm hooked (pun intended) and expect you will see lots more tapestry crochet baskets from me in the future. 

If you've wanted to try tapestry crochet or already a pro at it, I think you will love this kit. You can grab one here and use code 144XBK for 20% off and, as part of March Maker Madness, you can enter below to WIN an Aalto Basket Kit!!!




Disclosure: Betta Knit sent me this kit free of charge for the purpose of this review & collaboration. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review content are completely my own.

Women Are Awesome, Especially Pam of Halos of Hope

Today is March 8th and it is International Women's Day. In the USA, under our current climate, there is a big movement for making it "a day without women" to show how much daily impact women have in our community. And I was planning to share a story about my grandma, the biggest female influence of my life, who passed many years ago and I live without daily. But I decided instead I would like to tell you about Pam. Pam is a 13 year cancer survivor and an amazing woman who is one women I'm incredibly glad we are NOT without. For International Women's Day, with this post, I want to celebrate her and tell you about her and our connection.

with Pam H at the Halos of Hope Booth at Stitches Midwest

with Pam H at the Halos of Hope Booth at Stitches Midwest

Pam H. Is the founder of Halos of Hope. She is a remarkable human being who, having survived cancer, realized that human connection can help change the way a person feels as they go through something like this and can have a healing power. And what better way to feel connected that the warmth and comfort of handmade. Pam founded Halos of Hope to bring hand knit and crochet caps and items of comfort to chemo patients around the country.

As Pam says in her bio: "My favorite scarves & hats were those that people made for me because I knew they were made with affection and love.  And sometimes a soft cap works wonders when you tire of wearing the wig, or just need to kick about the house."

Those words ring true to me.  A few years ago, upon request of a good customer, I sent a 'chemo cap' to a friend of hers battling cancer. She asked for a certain fiber since the hat would be touching her scalp and a certain style and shape so it would be comfortable. We worked together to make sure the item would be just what her friend was looking for.

And then, a few months later, long after I had moved on to many other orders and other customers, I received this note:

and my life changed. And my crochet business, changed. I knew instantly that, as Pam talks about in her bio, the touch of a handmade item can bring comfort to strangers in a way I hadn't imagined.

The next week, I reached out to Halos Of Hope to ask if I can partner with them in an ongoing manner and soon launched One-4-One.  Since October 2014, for every single hat I sell, it means a chemo patient gets a handmade chemo cap. Handmade by me. I ship boxes of hats a few times a year to Halos of Hope that they distribute to one of over 400 cancer treatment centers. It's one of the biggest joys about my little business.

Even though I've been partnered with Halos of Hope since 2014, I didn't get to meet Pam until last year at Stitches Midwest. Meeting Pam in person was awesome. She is spunky and fun and fabulous and kind and exactly all the things you can imagine of such a kind person.  I was blown away by this beautiful woman and sharing a few minutes with her.  

We bounced around Stitches Midwest booths and laughed and it was so much fun to connect. I am so glad the world does not have to go without Pam today, or any other day. And I am so glad that she took her story and turned it into her mission to bring comfort to others. One remarkable woman.

If you would like donate a hat to Halos of Hope you can do so here.
Or if you would like to make a hat to send to Halos of Hope you can send it to: 
(please do NOT send money or yarn)?

144 Stitches Chemo Caps Program
PO Box 86
Sycamore, IL 60178

Stitch Up Chicago - Yeah That Was AWESOMESAUCE!

It has been a week since Stitch Up Chicago, and I am still feeling a full heart and incredible gratitude from the sheer awesomeness of the event. I am so honored to have teamed up with fellow yarnie Ali Ford of Ford Explorer Knits to bring this idea to life. It started as a chat then a text, an idea to build from our online community and create an offline connection and meet up in person. But it turned into so much more. Stitch Up Chicago gave us two days of makers and awesome people coming together to laugh, learn, inspire, and connect with each other. So much goodness.

We kicked things off Friday afternoon with a little sip & stitch at Nina, an incredible yarn shop in Chicago. Nina served up awesome yummy tea and snacks and even more yummy yarns. You can bet we will be visting Nina and her awesome shop again.

Ali and I ducked out of Nina's a bit early to head to the Virgin Hotel Chicago to set up for the Friday Night We Are Knitters Party. And what a party it was. Snacks, bevies and knitting good fun. The party was 'officially' from 4-7 but I know one table closed the place down and a few of us may have knitted into the wee morning hours.

So many wonderful highlights from that perfect evening. Teaching new stitches to knit. Teaching new knitters how to knit. Laughing so much my side hurt. Yummy snacks. It was all amazing. See some of the awesome social media shares here

A quick sleep and then it was time for Saturday Brunch Workshop with Betta Knit. This brunch was particularly special because Betta Knit is new in the US and it was great to introduce this yummy yarn to so many. Amazing eats, amazing yarn and amazing people made for a perfect Stitch Up Chicago Day Two.

It would be near impossible to pull a single moment from Stitch Up Chicago as a favorite. The truth is, from beginning to end it was sheer perfection. While Ali and I were planning everything seemed to fall right into place and we just knew this was meant to be.

A special shout out to our presenting Sponsor, The Yarn Mamas and supporting sponsor Globe In and to all of our sponsors because we could not have done this without them. We will be sharing more about our amazing sponsors over the next few weeks. Everyone loved the swag bags filled with awesome gifts and even if you didn't attend Stitch Up Chicago, you can enjoy some sweet discounts from our sponsors here.

Reflecting on last week, all I can really say is Thank you. THANK YOU ALI for teaming up with me and turning our idea to meet up into something so much more. I am truly grateful for your friendship and to be on your team. I love ya girl! THANK YOU to our sponsors. THANK YOU Virgin Hotels Chicago. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED for making the first Stitch Up event more than I could have dreamed.

We are already hard at work planning Stitch Up Chicago Too for late Fall. Don't miss out. Get the insider updates when we announce by signing up for Stitch & Hustle News here.

And if you want us to help you host a Stitch Up in your city, let us know here

Two Of Hearts - Knit Pillow Talk

Being that I am still a fairly new knitter and in the tail end of busy season, I was a bit apprehensive when We Are Knitters contacted me to make one of their heart shaped Happy Cushion Pillows. Sure it looked super cute... but the shapes? How would I make the shapes? But then I thought, well,  Valentine's Day was around the corner and who doesn't love hearts? I love hearts! So Sure, why not! Then when the kit arrived and they send me an extra ball of yarn in pink, well I was beside my self in squishy yarn heaven.

The pattern had lots of increases and decreases to be sure, but was well laid out and seemed easy enough follow. I usually use the Make One method for increasing but for this project I decided to try something new so I followed the We Are Knitters Tutorial here.

Got my knit on and was cruising right along. I could see the heart taking shape and got super excited. Until I cast off and realized: wait a minute. That's not right. One side was noticeably "less rounded" than the other. Hmmm.....

On the second panel I watched my gauge more closely and still it came out a wee bit distorted in shape. Luckily, I knew I could tweak it during assembly but the perfectionist in me was happy to have the pink yarn to try again. and... NAILED IT! Grabbed some fiber fill from local craft store and time to put these babies together and stuff 'em!

This project was way more fun than I expected. And way less scary lol. Worked up super fast (for this beginner - a little more than an hour for each heart) and the assembly was easy peasy

I have 3 awesome takeaways from this project:1. I learned a new way to increase and how to make shapes. YES Shapes!
2. Try new things. Make mistakes. Try again.
3. HAVE FUN! I had a ton of fun with this project.

Going to be making many more hearts and share the love for sure.


Get your Happy Cushion Heart Pillow Kit here and use code WAK144Stitches for 20% off through 3/31/17





Disclosure: we are knitters sent me this kit free of charge for the purpose of this review & collaboration. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are completely my own.

We Are More Than Just Pink Yarn - Why I Marched

Unless you have been living under a rock (which sometimes I wish I am so I get it if you have been) you have heard about the Women's March and The PussyHat Project. So many fellow knitters and crocheters, and so many sewers and artisans coming together to help women express themselves visually. I was unable to attend a march but was there in the spirit of my work and honored by all the women who asked me to make them a hat. I also shared recently on IG about my grandmother, the most important woman in my life. 

This march had generations of women marching together and that is powerful. And since I missed the march, I loved seeing the shared posts and photos of something so powerful in action. I wanted to invite another woman who inspires me as an artist to share her story after seeing her march post. Maybe because of the sign in the background of her IG march photo (You Pissed Off My Abuela) or maybe because of her unabashed empowerment in who she is, I invited Katie (The Queen Stitch)  to share her experience marching and she graciously accepted. I hope she inspires you like she inspires me to be who we are made to be: empowered artists and empowered women! Take it away Katie...

Katie: The Queen Stitch

My mom has been fundamental to me becoming a confident and assertive human being. When I was growing up she was a women's health and child advocacy lawyer. She worked with UNICEF in Iran, and she spent time in Ireland trying to sort through the IRA mess in Belfast. She was brave, and went where she thought she could be useful, always standing up for the rights of women and children when it was threatened.
She raised me to be prudent but open about health and sex. In high school, she brought me to her OB/GYN so I could be fully informed on what choices were out there. I have not always made the best choices in terms of dating or partners, but I avoided so much emotional, and physical strife in the dating and sex world because of this knowledge and access to resources.
Trump's rhetoric during his election, aside from his slut-shaming, shallowness, and general hate speech, seeks to undercut the confidence, educational opportunities, and health care of a huge group of women.

A Few of Katie's Pink March Hats

I was taught to crochet, like many, by my grandmother. Another “strong woman”, who created a safe space for me, while teaching me to create and recognize what safety meant.
The knitting, crochet and fiber arts community is often associated with coziness, staying home in your jammies, and in a way, safety. But that doesn't mean the community lazy, and as his hate started to build up the maker community stood up - and the pussy hat trend exploded.
The day before the march Alexi (of Two of Wands) and I were both hurriedly making pussyhats as quickly as possible. She was going down to DC and knitting her hats, I was crocheting mine for everyone I knew was going.

For my own garb, I wanted to remind everyone that this is more than just about Planned Parenthood. Yes, it's an important and wonderful institution that gives people access to knowledge and health care services, but this march is more than women's health. Women are more than their vaginas. We are not walking pussies that are grabbed and released, censored and taboo. We're human beings, community members, activists, makers.
I made what I called a "protest vest" to remind Trump, the powers that be, whoever is listening, that I am more than my pussy, and I am not ashamed of having one.

To be surrounded by so much creativity and anger, humor and knitwear, was inspiring and hopeful. I marched for equality, access, community, and confidence. --

ABOUT KATIE: Katie Jagel is a modern crochet designer with a kitschy and colorful take on the fiber arts. Her company The Queen Stitch is known for its original and fun designs. She has been crocheting for over 10 years and enjoys eggs for breakfast, and good lipstick.

Knit With Us!

One of the great things about this small business journey and this blog is all the wonderful and talented artisans and makers I have gotten to meet. Mostly meet online, but still we have connected. Some I have had the great fortune to also connect with in person. It really is something amazing when like minded people get together with yarn, creative vibes and snacks to make new memories.

In this spirit, I am so honored to have teamed up with fellow knitter Ali Ford of Ford Explorer Knits to host what we are calling a Stitch Up. What I truly hope will be the first of many in fact. We welcome you to come knit with us and have put together what we think will be a good time full of yarn, community and fun. And yes... snacks! Always snacks!

Presented by one of my favorite small businesses The Yarn Mamas,  (as anyone who follows me on instagram knows), we have put together some pretty cool happenings. Friday eve will start with a super fun We Are Knitters Party featuring their Downtown Snood. I am a huge snood fan, I mean who isn't? And I KNOW my cohort Ali has equal snood love. So join us to make this version from We Are Knitters.

If you can't make the We Are Knitters party, that's ok. Bring your current project and join us for cocktail hour after the We Are Knitters Party. Oh yes... we have a feeling a long night of yarn and laughs will ensue!

Saturday we are keeping the love (and snacks) theme going with the Betta Knit Rib Twist Beanie Workshop Brunch. No we won't start too early but yes we will serve you some yummy food along with some super yummy yarn.

So Come to one event, come for the whole shebang. Whatever works for you. Check out the full event details & register here


Oh 2016, How You Are Appreciated

I love year end recaps and lists. It's such a great way to look back and see how far we've come. See what lessons I've learned. Failures and triumphs along the way all add up to one heck of a ride and I wouldn't trade any of it.

2016 was particularly bittersweet. It was a big a year of transformation for both me and my small business. Personal & professional goals set and smashed. New opportunities, connections and collaborations formed that are like gifts. Some new friendships made and some friendships coming to an end. I took a pause from my production career to focus on my family and small business. I launched my first sweater collection and several items sold out! Oh yes, 2016 was quite a year and One the biggest gifts of 2016 is this community!

See, I had this idea last year for a community blog - a place to share give back & pay it forward. A place to encourage other creatives & small business owners and share what I've learned along the way as well as invite others to do the same. A place to build a community over competition environment so we can ALL thrive. I started planning in January and then launched Stitch & Hustle in March. It hasn’t even been a year and watching this dream, this idea to create a blog for the community of creatives who hustle come alive and grow has been amazing. Seeing so many come together and be part of it has made my heart smile. I have met some of the most amazing and talented and creative people since this journey began.

So to thank YOU, members of this community and those who've supported my own small business 144 Stitches, I have put together this Appreciation Giveaway featuring a few of my fave fellow makers. And man I think it is something special.  But the biggest thing I want you to know is that I am GRATEFUL for YOU; this community and for my customers who buy my patterns and my creations and other makers who support this community and this journey. THANK YOU seems too small but know you are appreciated!

Ok.. so here is what you will win and you can enter below. Do not miss out. 

If you follow me on social media you know that I LOVE me some coffee and on a cold winter day nothing beats Slow Drip. You may have read about when I discovered Chemex a while back. Well, Chemex is giving you one of their classic Slow Drip Coffee Makers (and 100 filters to get you started). HECK YEAH!  And since you will need something to drink that yummy delightful slow drip coffee in, how about a 'Yarn" mug from The Yarn Mamas, who we all know I just love! You will also get a limited edition handmade Stitch & Hustle Ornament handmade from Made of Embers. But wait... there's more!

Have you heard that Pantone announced 'Greenery" to be the color for 2017? Well, I teamed up with three of my favorite fellow makers and we have you covered! You will win The Everly Beanie in hand dyed shades of green from Stephanie at Triple Knot Studio. You will also win an amazingly soft hand knit infinity scarf from Ali at Ford Explorer Knits. And pull the ensemble together with these adorable hand warmers from Evie at Everything Evie Crafts. And how about a little green to spend? You will get $100 gift card to my shop 144 Stitches. And it all arrives with this market tote. Now THAT IS A PRIZE PACK! Don't miss out. Lots of ways to enter below.

And again... THANK YOU! Thank you for being part of the beginning of this journey in 2016.

Last Minute Holiday Decor

Sometimes I get so busy with holiday orders and work and this and that I forget little things like my own decor or wrapping hostess gifts for parties. Sometimes I even forget the hostess gift entirely. Thankfully I always have yarn laying around so making something is an awesome option.

And thankfully this Liesure Arts Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays booklet has me (and you) covered. So many great and quick ideas from a Pom Pom wreaths to a table top tree to garland. I whipped up these cute Pom Pom Hat Ornaments for gift decor in no time using yarn I had in the house and a toilet paper tube! What I love about this booklet is everything in here can be made with what you've got on hand and they are great if you are looking for activities with kids. You can download the booklet here



 Disclosure: Liesure Arts sent me this booklet free of charge for the purpose of this review & collaboration. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are completely my own.

Oh Hello There Rare Creature

I had seen this new yarn from The Rare Creature scroll across my instagram feed for a couple of weeks now. Everyone raving about the squishy awesomeness of this ethically sourced Alpaca. I was getting very curious. When I got the chance to collaborate with Lisa at The Rare Creature and got my hands on The Big Softy, well I quickly understood all the fuss.

I AM OBSESSED. No exaggeration. Simply obsessed.

I can't lie: when I opened the box I immediately had a mini 'squeeze the yarn ball' festival because it is just so dang squishy. The earthy tones are lovely. I like the fact that they are not truly solid but have a hint of shading to them. I had originally planned to crochet but the yarn just told me to knit. So I did.

The yarn works up so nicely. Now, I am still a fairly new knitter so it is to be expected that I would frog my creations now and then. I was pleasantly surprised when the fiber frogged quite well. No snagging or catching or knotting. It simply pulled apart nicely so that I could start again. Listen - that speaks volumes to me as someone still sorting the kinks as I design new garments and accessories. It made me love this yarn EVEN MORE.

I could not be more thrilled with how this hat turned out and cannot wait to make more. I've posted this free pattern for my Rare Creature City Beanie here.

This yarn has quickly found a place in my faves! Get some for yourself and use code stitchhustle for 15% off now through Christmas.

And as a holiday bonus, because it is the Season of Giving after all, you can enter here to win a ball for yourself. TWO winners will get a ball of The Big Softy to make this beanie. Enter here.


Disclosure: The Rare Creature sent me this yarn free of charge for the purpose of this review & pattern collaboration. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are completely my own.

Yarnie Tools On The Go

It's true. My purse sometimes looks like a notions bag instead of a purse. Never be shocked to find a crochet hook, stitch markers or tape measure whilst rummaging around for my lip gloss. Now that I have added knitting to my arsenal it has only gotten worse.

So it wasn't a hard sell for Sarah from the Sexy Knitter to catch my eye when she wanted to send me her new notions tin to check out. Yes please.

I was quite impressed when it arrived because the simplicity is beyond genius. I was like... um.. hello lovely new awesomeness that will now live in my purse. The size of an Altoid Tin and it comes with and holds all things I usually find floating around, sans hooks & needles of course. But let me tell you the real genius.. the one thing that makes me ooh and aahh over this baby: the magnetic top. No more jabbing my fingers with a needle. Now it is right where it should be and easily accessible pain free. She even put in the most adorable origami stitch markers and tiniest scissors I think I have ever seen.

I have already put this Tool Kit to great use and now as a treat for YOU, use code Stitchandhustle for 20% off to get your own. Just in time for the holidays and a perfect gift for your fellow yarnies. She's got a huge variety of yarnie saying to select from too. I say THUMBS UP SARAH!

Disclosure: Sarah of The Sexy Knitter sent me this tool kit free of charge for the purpose of this review. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are completely my own.

Discovering New Yarn with Betta Knit

2016-09-08 14.01.38.jpg

Who doesn't love getting happy mail? Now, let's be real. Boxes of yarn arrive here on the regular. But when new yarn company Betta Knit wanted to send me samples to check out for the blog, I mean... heck yeah. You don't have to ask me twice! And get this... they want to give YOU some too! What? Read on!

OK.. so the box is pretty and I will say - their logo and branding is right up my alley. Made the unboxing super bright and fun. Diving right in I was immediately mesmerized by the Cool Wool in the Dip Dyed version. The color is both vibrant and still faded in some magical way. I work with hand dyed yarn often so seeing this kind of color in this chunkiest of wool made my heart smile.

I was going to make a cardi shrug, which I have been on a roll with lately. But as usual, the yarn spoke to me and said "just play with me". So I did. I tried knitting it. I tried crocheting it. I tried a shawl. I tried a scarf. Frogged each one. Yup. This yarn is so scrumptious that I really did not mind this design process one bit. And I have to say the yarn held up REALLY well.  It didn't fray or fall apart or get all tattered through the process. Even when one time I pulled it apart I lost the end and had to play find the end in a pile of yarn ramen. You know that game right?

In the end... 8th time was the charm and I came up with a super fun pullover sweater we will call Stella. This jumper works up so quickly it is great for beginners and the most experienced crocheter alike. Every level can make this sweater I tell you. I wanted to create something both cozy and breathable so as not to suffocate my skin in all of this cozy wool. I also created a postive ease on this pattern because who wants to have their top ride up on them when it is cold? Not me! I will definitely be living in this top this winter! Get the pattern here or keep reading :-)

And, I had so much fun working with this yarn! I am both sad and overjoyed about finishing my project. I guess I will just have to get some more. :-)

I also had a chance to play with this new thing they call Blow Yarn. Um.. excuse me wonderful cozy squishy awesome yarn but where have yo been all my life?

Now, my only word of caution here is that this yarn does not like being frogged. Nope. Not at all. I definitely found that while I was playing with it that it meshed with itself as I pulled out stitches. So KNOW the pattern before you get going. For real.

It is a blend mostly of Alpaca with a touch of Polyamide & Merino mixed in. I was able to modify one of my favorite hat patterns to create what very well may be my new favorite hat. Yup - I will be rocking this Nepal Beanie all season. Definitely worth checking out the Blow Yarn. Just don't frog your work lol.

I also got to play with their Superwash merino and um.. hello... we all know how I love me some superwash Merino! Well their is definitely some of the yummiest ever. I haven't decided what to make with I Love My Jeans yet. A bit thin I may double it up and make some cool coasters. In fact... yes I will. So expect a free pattern for that pretty soon.

In the mean time.. check out Betta Knit. You can use code 144XBK and get yourself 20% off your purchase of yummy yarn. What? Yup. And that's not all... You can WIN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE THE STELLA JUMPER!!!! Worthy of all caps right? Enter below.

Thank you Betta Knit for sending me so many treats to try out.


Disclosure: Betta Knit sent me this yarn free of charge for the purpose of this review & pattern collaboration. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are completely my own.

One Love With Wool And The Gang

I was pretty excited when Wool And The Gang wanted to send me a Project Kit for review. And even more excited when my One Love Top Kit actually arrived.  I had a few other projects and customer orders to finish before I could start on it, so it sat in my studio for a few days. I admit, I looked at it often. The color of the Shiny Happy Cotton Land Of Oz Green in person is beyond magnificent. It's like no emerald green I've seen.

The pattern itself is easy enough to follow and with this awesome cotton it worked up pretty fast.  The pattern doesn't offer sizing but it is quite easily adjustable to suit any size with a little math. I followed the pattern to the letter for the back panel.

I tweaked the front panel pattern based on my own preferences for my body. I added an armhole slant where the lattice rows started by doing symmetrical decreases on the first two lattice rows. I also altered the last two rows of the top for more of a scoop neck than boat neck look to show off a little collar bone ;-)

I'm thrilled with how it came out and will definitely not only make more of these but likely offer them in my shop next spring for my customers. If you would like to try a Wool And The Gang Project shop here and use code WATG144 for 15% off all through March 31, 2017. 


Disclosure: Wool And The Gang sent me this kit free of charge for the purpose of this review. Although this is sponsored content, opinions and review are my own.


Get Organized: Hooks & Needles

As a new knitter, I've quickly started collecting a variety of knitting needles and supplies. I've been trying my best to keep organized and shop smart so as not to amass a pile of things I won't use for the long run. But I know I needed a better way to store it all than using a vase on my yarn shelf. Especially since I travel so much. The vase won't travel well 😉

Since I have two crochet hook cases that I love from Atelier de Soyun on Etsy,  I decided to go back and see if she could make me a knitting needle case. She had some in her shop but I wanted something that would hold all my gak in one case. I sent Soyun a description of the supplies I had and some of my needles are F-A-T, some others are loooooong and I explained that I wanted to make sure they would all fit into a single case. I was so excited when she said it could easily be done. YES!

Well, I could not be more thrilled with this purchase.

My knitting needle case is perfect!  Yup... She nailed it. Every needle fits, even my F-A-T ones and long ones. She even added pockets for my shorter hat making needle sets as well as pockets for my circular needles. Every needle has its place and that makes my heart happy. I've got my needles all organized and ready for when I need them or when I travel.

While I was browsing her shop I noticed her lovely project bags so I also got myself one for my on the go days.  The project bag is so amazingly well crafted and has inside pockets for organizing my supplies and notions. It's the exact size I needed and holds enough yarn and supplies for projects on the go. I am particularly happy with the drawstring close for when I toss that bag in the backseat (come on, we've all done it then cried when the yarn spilled out). I am now ready for travel!

This is my third case from Soyun and I cannot recommend this shop high enough. How do you stay organized with your hooks, needles & notions? Share in the comments below.